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The entertainment & event management directory

Super-user accounts

List multiple acts, bands and brands

Super-user accounts for agents, managers and companies with more than one brand or act to promote.

With a super-user account you can setup multiple profile pages from one account. This allows you to create separate pages and listings for each act or artist you represent or for each of your brands. In addition, the advertising of Jobs & Auditions is included as a free service. 

In order to qualify for this type of account you must have at least one Gold or Silver listing.  To request setup, login to the members area and select 'Your Account', scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS then select the two options "I want to post jobs and auditions" and  "I want to create multiple profiles and listings." Click 'Save All Changes'.

Your request will be reviewed and you will be notified as soon as the features are activated for you.